0203  771 1401
 0203 771 1401

Fire Escape Emergency Lighting

Emergency Lighting

We are fully trained to install, test and maintain Emergency Lighting and certify to BS5266 Part1 Emergency Lighting is essential in domestic and commercial premises alike. In the event of a power failure it facilitates escape and enables staff, visitors and residents to find emergency exists and escape routes should the need arise.


Emergency Lights require a 3 hour test to be carried out annually. A 1 hour duration test needs to be carried out every six months. A monthly flick test is required to ensure batteries and light fittings are operational.


Self contained emergency lighting systems. Central battery systems. Combination of above. Emergency lighting installation is required in buildings for the purpose of providing light if normal lighting fails during a fire.

Emergency Signage & Fire Safety

Fire safety signs are designed to warn staff and visitors of any fire hazards, to provide an instruction or to give safety information.

We are able to plan and provide standard and photoluminescent fire safety signs and safety products that provide clear anad concise instructions about the actions to take in the case of a fire.

Having the correct fire safety equipment can help prevent the loss of contents, premises and even life. Prelude Alarms have a huge range of fire safety products which are ideal for different locations such as schools, warehouses, offices, hospitals and homes